Clinical depression and the various types of bipolar depression are very treatable medical illnesses, it is a matter of taking medication and getting the proper counseling. To illustrate it, it would be like asking if someone's diabetes appeared because the became a JW or disappeared because they stopped being a JW.
THANK YOU for that, Blondie! So many people don't understand that.
As a whole, I think JW's are the most depressed and depressing people on Earth. But I would be depressed with or without having ever been one, it's hereditary in my case.
Which stinks because I can do all this work and leave the Borg and get a wonderful life and still battle the depression! UGH!
Course, having a neurological disease doesn't help either. Hard to know where the clinical depression ends and the brain issues caused by my other disease begin.
But Blondie is right. If you have clinical depression then it needs to be treated just like the diabetic needs insulin. I hope someday the stigma that goes with these medications, when they are truly needed, will be gone.